The StorIES COllection

– Have You Ever Wondered? –

Have you ever wondered if you would have taken Jesus seriously if he had stood before you and said, “Follow me?”


“The Stories Collection” takes you from Herod’s fury and John the Baptist in the river all the way through to the resurrection as the bones of the past rattle your heart and ask you to consider the question; “Which side would you have chosen? What would you have said before the cock crowed three times? Would you have followed him?”


John the Baptizer

John the Baptist was a formidable and powerful voice in the wilderness, known for his fervent preaching and baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. His unyielding call for moral integrity and fearless condemnation of wrongdoing, including denouncing the marriage of Herod Antipas to Herodias, ultimately led to his imprisonment. Despite his significant following and influence, John was jailed and later beheaded at the request of Herodias’ daughter, Salome, during Herod’s birthday celebration. John’s steadfast commitment to his prophetic mission, even in the face of death, is a powerful example of how even in the face of hardship, standing strong is the way.

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The Temptation

Forty Days In The Wilderness

After Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, he was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, where He fasted for forty days and nights. During this time, He was tempted by the devil in three significant ways. The devil first challenged Jesus to turn stones into bread to satisfy His hunger, but Jesus responded by quoting Scripture, emphasizing that man does not live by bread alone. The second temptation involved the devil urging Jesus to throw Himself from the pinnacle of the temple to prove His divine sonship, but Jesus refused, citing that one should not test God. Finally, the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world in exchange for worship, but Jesus rebuked him, declaring that only God is worthy of worship. Through these temptations, Jesus demonstrated His steadfast faith and obedience to God, setting an example for overcoming sin and temptation. The question is, what would you say to the devil if he tempted you?

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Follow Me

As Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee, He saw the brothers James and John, the sons of Zebedee, mending their nets in their father’s boat. With a commanding yet inviting call, Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately, James and John left their nets and their father to follow Him. Zebedee, their father, watched as his sons responded without hesitation. While the sudden departure might have been startling, Zebedee likely felt a profound sense of pride and awe. Witnessing his sons chosen by the revered teacher to become His disciples would have been a moment of immense honor and significance, marking the beginning of their extraordinary journey of faith. This song is an attempt to capture what must have gone through their hearts and mind at that moment.

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The Rabbi

Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council, sought out Jesus one night to ask Him profound questions about faith and salvation. He was intrigued by Jesus’ teachings and miracles and wanted to understand more about His divine authority. During their conversation, Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the necessity of being born again to enter the Kingdom of God, emphasizing spiritual rebirth through water and the Spirit. This dialogue highlighted Nicodemus’ genuine curiosity and desire for spiritual truth, setting the stage for deeper revelations about Jesus’ mission and the nature of God’s love. However, his position as Rabbi has always made me wonder what kind of conversations he had with others.

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The Sermon on the Mount

The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes, delivered by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount, encapsulate his teachings on spiritual values and the nature of God’s kingdom. These eight blessings outline a radical vision of blessedness, highlighting qualities such as humility, compassion, purity of heart, and peacemaking. Jesus turns societal norms upside down by proclaiming the blessedness of the meek, those who mourn, and the persecuted. Through the Beatitudes, he challenges his listeners to embrace a counter-cultural ethic of love and righteousness, promising that those who embody these virtues will experience true happiness and inherit the kingdom of heaven. This profound moral and spiritual teaching continues to inspire and guide believers, offering a blueprint for a life centered on faith, mercy, and justice.

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Our Father – Prayer & Forgiveness

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught the crowd about the essence of true prayer, emphasizing sincerity and humility over ostentation. He introduced the Lord’s Prayer as a model, guiding them to approach God with reverence and trust. Jesus urged the people to pray in private, avoiding the performative prayers of hypocrites, and to seek a genuine connection with God. His teachings highlighted the importance of forgiveness, dependence on God for daily needs, and the desire for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. This moment underscored the transformative power of heartfelt, humble prayer in the lives of his followers. The song “Our Father” provides a glimpse into that day.

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The Prodigal Son

The Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Prodigal Son are two cornerstone teachings of Jesus that encapsulate his message of love, forgiveness, and the Kingdom of God. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus outlines the principles of his Kingdom, teaching about humility, mercy, peacemaking, and the transformative power of love and forgiveness. He calls his followers to live righteously, love their enemies, and seek God’s will above all. Complementing these teachings, the Parable of the Prodigal Son vividly illustrates God’s boundless grace and forgiveness. In the parable, a wayward son squanders his inheritance but is warmly welcomed back by his father upon returning home, symbolizing God’s unconditional love for repentant sinners. Together, these teachings underscore the central themes of Jesus’ ministry: the call to a higher standard of righteousness and the assurance of God’s unending compassion and forgiveness for those who turn back to Him. I have to wonder, if I would have heard that story, would I have understood?

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Lead On

Oh Lord of Mine

…a little song with big words.

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The Last Supper

The Betrayal

The Last Supper is a pivotal event in Christian tradition, depicting Jesus Christ’s final meal with his twelve apostles before his crucifixion. During this meal, Jesus reveals that one of the apostles will betray him, which leads to the dramatic moment when Judas Iscariot is identified as the betrayer. Despite having been a trusted disciple, Judas’ betrayal is motivated by his agreement to hand Jesus over to the authorities for thirty pieces of silver. This act of treachery ultimately sets into motion the events leading to Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion, making Judas a central yet tragic figure in the narrative of the Last Supper.

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The Kiss

Judas and The Separation From God

Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus with a kiss is one of the most poignant moments in Christian narratives. As one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, Judas was privy to Jesus’ teachings and miracles. However, ignoring all of it, he conspired with the chief priests to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas led a group of soldiers to arrest Jesus. To identify Jesus to the arresting officers in the dark, Judas gave Him a kiss, a gesture typically associated with affection and respect, thus marking Him for capture. This act of betrayal, with such an intimate sign, has since symbolized ultimate treachery and deception in Christian teachings. Freewill and greed, combined, make for some terrible decisions, especially for the one making the decision.

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Have You Ever Wondered?

Peter, one of the foremost disciples of Jesus, was elected for his unwavering faith and dedication. Despite his fervent commitment, Peter famously denied Jesus three times following Jesus’ arrest. This denial occurred even after Peter vehemently promised that he would never forsake his master, showcasing the frailty and fear that can arise even in the most steadfast believers. This episode highlights the human tendency to falter under pressure, underscoring the profound themes of forgiveness and redemption that are central to Christian teachings. The question is, what would you have done before the cock crowed?

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The Tomb Is Empty

Where You Going Mary?

On the morning of the third day after Jesus’ crucifixion, Mary Magdalene arrived at his tomb only to find it empty, the stone rolled away. Overcome with shock and confusion, she hurriedly ran to find the disciples, who were hiding in a room, gripped by fear and sorrow. Bursting into their midst, she breathlessly shared the astonishing news of the empty tomb, igniting a mixture of disbelief and hope among them. This pivotal moment marked the beginning of the realization of Jesus’ resurrection, forever altering the course of their faith and mission.

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Lead On

Oh Lord of Mine

…a little song with big words.

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He Has Risen!

The Finale of Life

On the third day after his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the tomb, as he had foretold, marking the fulfillment of divine prophecy. His return brought immense joy and profound transformation to his followers, validating his teachings and the promise of eternal life. The resurrection not only reaffirmed Jesus as the Son of God but also instilled a renewed sense of purpose and hope in his disciples, empowering them to spread his message across the world.

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All Because of Jesus

Before his dramatic conversion, Saul was a fervent persecutor of early Christians, zealously seeking to eradicate the nascent faith. Present at the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, Saul’s reputation as a relentless oppressor was well-known among the followers of Jesus. When struck blind on the road to Damascus and transformed into Paul, his newfound faith was met with suspicion and distrust by the Christian community. His previous actions made it difficult for believers to accept him, fearing his sudden change might be a ploy. Despite this, Paul eventually proved his genuine commitment, becoming one of the most influential apostles in spreading Christianity.

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Prelude to Life


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Chris is a U.S Army veteran that has flown helicopters in Korea, Europe, and throughout the Middle East, replaced alternators in his old cars, branded pigs, pizza, and pasta, and written music and a couple of books that even his kids won’t listen to or read. He had planned to be an accountant, but the school said, “No!”…so he decided to try marketing, music, and design. ( …and my wife agreed, so it’s been great 🙂

I look forward to hearing from you!

7 + 11 =